Wednesday 15th November 2023

Television: Industries and Audiences

L/O: to research the history, companies and regulators in the television industry.


.Publicly owned TV channel-public service broadcasting refers to broadcasting intended for public benefit. Funded by the government and license fees.E.G. BBC

.Commercial owned TV channel-A commercial broadcaster is privately owned and they finance themselves though advertisements.E.G. ITV

Convergence-the progressive merging of traditional broadcast and internet content.Process of joining different technologies into one device.

Watershed-A time before which television broadcasters have agreed not to show programs unsuitable for children. Between 9:30pm-5:30am

Segmented market-audience divided into different groups depending on taste and interest.

Mainstream-Whats viewed by most people in a society as normal.

Self-regulating-this is where a company regulates its self age restricted or not.

franchise-a type of license that grants a franchisee access to a franchisor's proprietary business knowledge, processes, and trademarks.

channel-surfing-change from one channel to another frequently.

PSB-public service broadcasting so thats benefits the public

TV license-A TV Licence is a legal permission to install or use television equipment to receive.

Scheduling-to plan shows at which times

Conglomerate-A conglomerate is a large company composed of a number of companies.

2)There were three television channels: BBC 1, BBC 2 and Independent Television (known as ITV).
3)ITV started in 1955
4)Channel 3 services, Channel 4, Channel 5, S4C and the BBC.
6)self regulated and the law
7)in the 60s there were only a couple of channels where now there are tons.
in the 60s everything was in black and white compared to now.
in the 60s you didn't have a remote to change channels but buttons and dials on the fount of the TV
in the 60s
Wednesday 22nd November 2023

Television industries: Ownership & regulation

L/O: to explore the ownership &regulation of BBC1 & ITV

Our mission is "to act in the public interest, serving all audiences through the provision of impartial, high-quality and distinctive output and services which inform, educate and entertain".

To provide impartial news and information to help people understand and engage with the world around them.

To support learning for people of all ages.

To show the most creative, highest quality and distinctive output and services.

To reflect, represent and serve the diverse communities of all of the United Kingdom’s nations and regions and, in doing so, support the creative economy across the United Kingdom.

To reflect the United Kingdom, its culture and values to the world. 

Our purpose is to entertain and connect with millions of people in the UK and globally, reflecting and shaping culture and building brands with brilliant content and creativity. This is aligned to our 2026 strategic vision, to be a leader in UK advertiser-funded streaming and an expanding global force in content.

Our Social Purpose strategy is an integral part of delivering our purpose and our strategic vision. See our Social Purpose website for further details

Most popular ITV programs:
  1. im a celebrity get me out of here
  2. Britain's got talent

Wednesday 13th December 2023

TV Audiences

L/O: to explore how audiences costume TV dramas and the appeals.

streaming services
social media
laptop monitor
gaming console
catch up

Reasons why we watch live TV:
Second screening- talking with someone else watching it.

Theory: The active audience

A passive theory is when someone believes every thing told to them on social media/ easily influenced.

A active theory is when someone makes there own decisions about a media text/not easily influenced.


TV Drama:

Crime drama- Luther
Period drama- peaky blinders
Teen drama- stranger things
Medical drama- the good doctor
Sience-fiction drama- Dr who 
Fantasy drama-Game of thrones
Political drama- The crown


Wednesday 10th January 2024
The 1960's
L/O: research the social historical and political context of The Avengers.

Rock music
Cold war

Key moments between 1961-1965:
1)cuban missle crisis
2)assassination of John F. Kennedy
3)Berlin wall
4)cold war 
5) first man in space and first landing
7)contraceptive pill was approved
8)Vietnam war

1)Most popular bands were The Beatles, Bob Dylan, Jimi Hendrix, The Rolling Stones, The Who, Janis Joplin, The Doors, and Pink Floyd.
2)labour was in power, James Harold Wilson was PM.
3)yes drugs were a massive part of culture.
4)vietnam war, cold war.
5)racism, war, hippies, free speech
6)it was very traditional in the in the 60's with in gender roles and very negative race stereotypes which then lead on to multipul protests and the martin Luther king speech.


Wednesday 24th January 2024
  • About spy's and escaping different sanarios
  • The had a deal with a Americain tv channel
  • It had a large audience appeal
The Avengers: The Town of No Returns
L/O:to explore the narrative , characters and appeal of Series 4 Episode 1

Main characters:
John Steed                
Mrs Emma Peel

Piggy Warren
Mrs Manson
Tom Smallwood
Mr Brandon



Wednesday 17th January 2024

The Avengers (1965)

L/O: Research the TV Show the Avengers.

  1.  ABC TV & ITV
  2. Primary-Mainstream adult audience, Secondary- Teenagers
  3. 7th January 1961
  4. 6 series
  5. 21st April 1969
  6. £1,456,000 full season / 56,000 per episode

  • they could upgrade there technology to film in actual locations instead of on sets, better sound and could now edit, since they would have better cameras.
  • Patric Mcnee- John stead & Diana Rigg- Emma Peel.
  • There was something for everybody by the way the actors dressed and what they talked about.
  • The Avengers was scheduled on Saturdays at 9.05pm- peak time for a mass audience.
  • The 4th series attracted audiences of around 7 million often in the top ten rating.
Wednesday 31st January 2023

  • they get on a train to a town on the cost which is presented as old and they are trying to find out what happened to the three investigators who dissapered at the town, at the end they find out that they are planning a invasion town by town and are undergoing training under the towns to stop suspicion with a army.
  • John steed, Emma peel, piggy warren, tom Smallwood,
  • The audience appeal is toward people who like spy and mysterious genres. 

Uses and Gratification:

personal identity-people may identify with john steed since he is identified with a typical British person, people may identify with Emma Peel since she is identified with the younger generation.Could explore their own views and values.

information-you can get information though the events and characters in the show.gain info though the world of the upperclass.

entertainment-you can get entertainment by watching it.(the anti sterotypical aspects, the fight scenes and different villain every week) 

social interaction-you can get social interaction by talking with others about the episode.( at home as a family or the next day with friends and co workers)

Context-The Avengers 

L/O: to analyse the influence of the social and historical context in series 4 episode 1

We can see from the episode that there was a theat of foreign invasion since towards the end we can see Emma peele explain to John that they are slowly invading one town at a time and training under ground. Secondly we can see the theat of Cold war since once they find the hidden bunker there is a vault filled to the top of explosives training dummies and guns. Thirdly, we can see the scare of espionage since thought the whole episode all the villains are fake imposters using identities of people who have allready dies.


Wednesday 7th February 2024

The town from the avengers is represented as mysterious and unaware this is identified with the use the characters since they are all espionages which creates a feel of mystery since all the towns people are prentening to be people who are dead.This can also be seen thought the setting and props of the school since there are violet images and tinned food in the cupboard.

This show shows anti stereotypical features since there was a female protagonist which wasn't know to be normal around the time since in the 1960s it was a more male dominate time in society. The show was stereo typical when it shows British manners and traditions since we can see John steed pull out a try of tea and cake on the train since this was more likely to show where abouts they were based but also keep the audience reminded where it was in america since this was the first they had seen it because they collaborated with ABC TV.


  • beat a group of people underground 
  • She figures out whats happening before steed does then 'teaches it' to him


  • Clothing
  • Make-up

Emma and Steed are both higher class we can see this though steeds clothing being a suit but with Emma we can see it with her apartment since it has a modern look to it.

They represent both past and youth cultures by having steed have a more traditional and someone who relates to the older generation since he wears features they would have like a suit and by the hat he wears.The youth culture is represented by Emma since so wears clothing that typically what is popular and with whats happening around the world.

This can be seen because they are getting invaded by different people from different country.

Wednesday 21st February 2024 

The Avengers: Extract Analysis

L/O: to explore elements of media language and practice how to analyse an extract.

In the exam:
  • will be shown c clip from either Avengers or Cuffs.Around 4mins long.
  • First three questions will be based on the extract.
  • Question 1 will ask you to analyse how an element of MEDIA LANGUAGE has been used to create meaning.
  • Be shown the extract 4 times.( don't make notes first time watching)

Media Language:
  • Camerawork= Shot type, Camera angles, Camera movement.
  • Mise-en-scene=Costume, Props, Lighting(high key& low key), Setting, Performance style, Blocking(where they are positioned)
  • Editing=
  • Sound=

Wednesday 28th February 2024 

The Avengers: Extract Analysis

L/O: to explore elements of media language and practice how to analyse an extract.


Cutting on action: in fights or movement

Cut away: clues on whats coming up

Match cut: used by two similar environments as a cut between shots

cutting on action between john and the blacksmith to build tension since they change the pace and length of the different cuts. 

Cuts away to Emma peels bag to show a sence of mystery of where she is because we see her bag on the floor sowing that she hasn't left.


Sound bridge: sound used to link two different scenes.

Parallel sound: what you hear matches what you see.

Contrapuntal sound what you hear doesn't match your visuals.

Contrapuntal sound: of the dogs barking to make Emma Peel Seem to be in danger without physically seeing it because she has figured out part of the plan and then which creates the realisation of danger and warning.

Non diegetic sound: when the Vicor pulled out the gun because it creates tension since they added a sound when he pulled it out to create a sence danger and mystery.


Wednesday 6th March 2024

The Avengers: Extract Analysis

L/O: To explore extract based questions and how to answer them effectively.

1) mise-en-scene, camerawork, editing, sound

angle+movement+shot type

1. How is camerawork used to create meaning?

The camerawork in avengers is used to create meaning though the use of a camera angle with high angle when John steed is getting attacked by the blacksmith to show that john is in danger and the black smith has power and controls the situation.This connects to the fight they are going to have and the outcome being juxtaposed to how they seem at the start of the scene.

The camerawork in the avengers is used to creates meaning though the use of a low angle on the blacksmith.


tempo, volume increase = increase tension
This extract creates tension though the sound 

pace increase= high action 
This extract creates tension though the editing this is seen when it flicker back between John Steed and the blacksmith.This is seen with the pace which increases the tension which references high action moments because as they flicker it is moving the characters closer and closer together until they are i a full fight.This therefore makes the 1960s audience feel worried towards John steed as they are meant to like him and get worried for him which makes them feel tension.

audience positioning= increase tension-> they were scared of spies and envisions in the 1960s
This extract creates tension though


media Language

Intro- The extract shows both stereotypes and anti-stereotypes.
1) fight- mise-en-scene on steed against the blacksmith (men fighting) x2 stereotypes
2) steed 'rescuing' pee. damsel in distress(prop). context of 1960s- patriarchal society audience expect this

3) anti-stereotype  peel explaining to steed the context-women more equality
conclusion- mainly traditional gender stereotypes, but some anti to reflect to reflect the changes in 1960s

Wednesday 20th March 2024
Television in the 2010's

L/O: to explore the context of the 2010s and the effect on TV shows and audience.

in the 1960's:
less gender equality, sexuality and multiculturalism compared to today
they had a static tv and only certain amount of channels compared to today
less advanced technology compared to today

Police procedural day to day life of a police officer.

Aired  October 2015
broadcasted on a Wednesday at 8pm

Cuffs Series 1 Episode 1:


set in Briton

Wednesday 27th 2024

PC Jake vickers- rookie who hasn't gone over neighbourhood duty and is the chiefs son. Doesn't know the area 
PC Ryan Draper- Paired with PC Jake vickers and is tough on him also Ryan has a son and daughter. Takes his job seriously.
DS Jo Moffat-Wasn't allowed to interview the son who witnessed the murder. Awkward around Chief Super Robert Vickers to suggest that there has been something between them. 
Chief Super Robert Vickers- Son is PC Jake vickers gives an inter view at the start of the episode on the importance of police work.
DC Carl Hawkins-
DI Felix Kane-  goes to a brothel
PC Donna Prager- fitter compared to her counter part Lino
PC Lino Moretti- meant to be comedic.


Wednesday 17th April 2024
Cuffs & Audience Appeal

L/O: to analyse the appeals of TV drama.

Donow: the 1960's less gender equality(female protagonist), sexuality and multiculturalism(black protagonist) compared to cuffs which has a female protagonist, black protagonist and a gay member of the police.
Black and white compared to cuffs which shows that cuffs is more technological advanced.

The Hero: Ryan Draper- help Jake to know what to do and usually leads the investigation/ task at hand
The Villain: The Dad, The racist- Dad kiddnaps the child.The racist stabbed the indian kid in the store.
The Donor: Jo Moffat
The Helper:Donna Prage and Lino Moretti- helps Ryan and Jake in multipul situation trying to catch criminals
The Princess: Jake Vickers- Helps open an insight in Ryan so that he can be taught.
The Princess' Father: Station Officer
The Dispatcher: Station Officer(person on the radio)- as they tell the officers the situation and where they need to go.
The False Hero: Robert Vickers- Act heroic at the start but doesn't help the team like he says he does in the interview at the beginning

Audience Appeals(uses&gratifications)

Personal Identity- characters you relate to. could relate to a police or inspires you to be a police officer.
Information-learn something. Learn the day to day life of being a police officer and the struggles they go through.
Entertainment-entertains you- provides entertainment which you like and catches your attention.
Social interaction-encourages people to interact- gives information and enjoyment which then provides you to talk to people about it with your friends or family.

Cuffs & Social Contexts

L/O: to analyse representation and influence of social and cultural context of Cuffs

Cuffs Context:

1. A key character is Jo Moffat who is referenced for the interview about the murder and help fight of the people in the drug house.
Donna who plays a strong female lead as she is the only female in the group of 4 main police officers 

2.That not all the males where straight which was traditionally seen but we can see it isn't through Jake 
   Felix is seen as emotional character
3.Ryan cares for his kids which is seen as famine role

Wednesday 24th April 2024
Cuffs & Social Contexts

L/O: to analyse representation and influence of social and cultural context of Cuffs

1)the police were represented as the public don't like them, not enough staff,

PC Donna Prager:
She is important as she is seen fitter compared to her police partner Lino.She is represented as quite physically balanced with her male counter parts since she is able to keep up with Ryan for along period of time compared to Lino and Jake who had to take rests from time to time compared to her and Ryan who managed to last a verst amount of time without stopping which is typically seen as untypical.This shows that there was a more equal status for woman in 2015.

PC Jake Vickers:
Jake is represented as a cheat to the police force and inexperienced.This is seen where near the beginning of the show we can see the other officers and co-workers at the office talking about him and how he has skipped neighbour hood watch to get to know the area so therefor the rest of the team thinks because his dad is in-charge that is the only reason why he has had the ability to skip an important role in the police force and where he doesn't know were to tell his team to go. This therefor shows a male superiority in 2015 and possibly the police don't have enough money to train their staff.

DI Felix Kane:

Felix is represented as famine and emotional.This is seen where in social interactions he is quite and under represented and isolated and quite timid.This shows that he is viewed as the opposite of a stereotypical man

Jake Vickers: Strong but open and caring -- anti-stereotypical
Lino Moretti: funny, not very fit but determined --stereotypical
Felix Kane: emotional and caring -- anti-stereotypical

- Ryan is a black police officer seen as in charge and is the protagonist + there is a different ethnicity police officer in training during the forklift robbery.
- stabbing in the shop where the racist white man stabbed the indian kid(narrative of the racist)
-the police were investigating the issue of the stabbing immediately and daytime drinking.
- racism was not acceptable in 2015


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