Lego Movie


Monday 22nd January 2024


TT Fusion


Build up promotion/ marketing with a premier

Profit- that cinemas make more profit in the box office

Awards- Only nominated if published in the cinema


Learn about the characters. More to play lots of characters to play

Released the video game first- different audiences interested and know the characters

Video game extends the life longer to play

Read the question
Conventions- whats expected of the trailer e.g. 2-3 mins, promotes movie, introduces characters, voice over, inter tiles- release dates

Wednesday 14th September 2022

l/o: to understand the narrative and characters in the lego movie.


green lantern

wonder woman

the old west

green ninja


han solo



professor dumboldor

shaq o neol


robin hood



1)The narrative of lego movie is about a construction worker called emmet who thinks he becomes the most special person in the universe but then realises everyone is special and makes the main villain turn good and saves everyone by putting the lid on the kragle (krazyglue) with the help of a child and his dad.

2)by helping one person you can help more than one.Also everyone is special.

3)cast list

Wednesday 21st September 2022

The industry research

L/O:to research the process, companies and regulators behind the film industry.

1)production is the making and editing of the movie. Distribution is when you send leaks and trailers of the movie. Exhibition is the retail branch of the film industry.

2)this is a media producer like disney and warner bros✓

3) The film industry in the UK is regulated by the British Board of Film Classification (BBFC).✓

4) they gave the lego movie a U ✓

5)the Video Standards Council✓

6)they gave the lego movie game a PG7✓

7)Lin Pictures were the primary production company on The Lego Movie and Warner Bros.✓

8)Phil Lord and Christopher Miller ✓

9) TT fusion✓

10)The Warner Bros.✓

11)The Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) is the UK's independent advertising regulator.✓


Wednesday 28th September 2022


1)classify products (normally age rating)

2)ensures content of products meets acceptable standards

The reason they gave it a U is so they can get more views which means more money

1)Film regulation is important to exist because if it didn't kids could see stuff that could upset or scare them and it protects venerable people.

6)It was important for the lego movie video games to receive a 7 because there is violence like kicking,punching and characters falling apart into pieces.

Vertical Integration:

Vertical integration helps increase profits because the more companies you own the more money you can get which means more profit.Also it helps increase the brand because if you have multiple brand that help with growing your brand which means more people will see it so you get more views.

Wednesday 5th October 2022

Narrative Theory

L/O: to explore the narrative and apply narrative theory to the lego movie.


The lego movie is a postmodernism film because it has a variety of different genres including action,adventure,comedy and fantasy. Also because it imitates other textures and humours from real life like the coffee being expensive.A third reason is it makes the audience aware there watching a movie.

Todorov for the lego movie

1)Equilibrium: Every thing is normal with emmet waking up and going work

2)Disruption: then emmet finds wlydstyle at the construction site and follows her but emmet falls down a hole and get the kragle lid on his back.

3)Recognition of disruption:then emmet,wlydstyle and Vitruvius realises he has the lid on his back.

4) Attempt to solve:then emmet try's to put it back on the kragle but fails.

5)New equilibrium:after lord business allows emmet to put the lid on the kragle and everyone can build what they want again and travel through different worlds.

ero: emmet

2)the villain: lord business

3)the donor:Vitruvius

4)The helper:wlydstyle/batman

5)the princess:wlydstyle

6)the dispatcher:Vitruvius

7)the princess' father:Vitruvius

8)the false hero:wlydstyle


Wednesday 12th October 2022

Target Audience

L/O: to identify the target audience using demographics and psychographics.

The Lego Movie appeals to kids by music, colour and lego itself.It can also appeal to parents with characters from lego they saw as kids like benny the spaceman and they have links to other films they would have saw like matrix and they might like it because it teaches lessons to there children like there is one special person every one is special.It could appeal some teens with the character wlydstyle with her emo look which was trendy when lego movie was made also with characters the saw in shows they were kids like the green ninja from lego ninjargo also people like Shaq from basketball because teens tend to like sport.It is can be for all genders one for males can be Batman,one for females is Wlydstyle.

The Guardian:

1)the building blocks of success is successful because lego is for kids but they manage to put things for all people in the audience.

2)Lego did it right by taking actors and and frameworks from other movies that were popular to kids and used it for there movie.

3)It has laid the foundations for the future success by it will probably be on the DVD collection for years


1)people got other cinema to feel emotions and the lego movie promotes that threw nostalgia and comedic forms.

2)the lego movie makes us think and questions are selves and vists deep thoughts which are within us.

3)it knows who would watch it ,the kids or the players,the parents or the buyers and other adults the nostalgers The Lego Movie has used simple slap stick it appeal to kids cultural things for teens and nostalgia with good morals.

A tent pole production is a broadcast programming and motion pictures, a tent-pole or tentpole is a program or film that supports the financial performance of a film studio or television network.

The Lego Movie was a tent pole production because it would help warner bros.

the benefits of that for warner bros because it would get money from it because it for all people.

The Lego Movie (2014)
The Lego Batman Movie (2017)The Lego Ninjargo Movie (2017)
The Lego Movie 2: The Second Part (2019)

Lego movie 3 comes out march 2024


Wednesday 19th October 2022
The Lego Movie:Marketing

L/O:to explore marketing and promotion of the lego movie to link the methods used to the target audience.

.video games
.actors talk about it
.social media
movie premires


1) lego sets (17)
2) mini figure keyring (16)
4)lego movie video games
5) school supplies
6) sticker and activity books

McDonald toys in happy meals
they released character posters every week in January
the lego movie fan of the week
sigfig creator website
lego store scheduled linked events
free accessory pack
video game released on 4th February
on 7th February released collectible 3d cups with happy meals

In Dancing on ice at 7:27 on Sunday 9th 2014 -five days before the lego movie launched -ITV broadcast entirely out of lego

British heart foundation
Premier Inn

The Lego Movie marketing campaign broke boundaries by making adverts made eternally out of lego for 4 adverts this was successful because we saw that it broke no1 uk box office charts of the year and twitter made it viral with all the companies tweeted about it.This was successful because it promoted the lego movie multiple times and show character spoilers and said the lego movie.Also this trend didn't end until the end of 2014.They did it the time and channel they did because most people would have been watching it as a family together.they also published it on youtube to get a additional 1.1 million view along with the 6 million on tv.


Wednesday 2nd November 2022


l/O:to evaluate the methods used to market The Lego Movie; to link the methods to the target audience
1) The warner bros choose to make their logo out of lego because it is advertising a movie made of lego
2)The warner bros wanted their logo shown before the trailer played because people associate the warner bros as a good movie studio.

Equilibrium:Emmet is watching tv
Disruption:Lord business tells everyone if they don't follow the rules they will be put to sleep
Recognition:when emmet said we will be put to sleep
Attempt to solve:Everyone is fighting

1)To get exiting action bit which everyone is interested in.This makes it more fast pace and eye catching then if it was all equilibrium.
2)There attention spam is very small so they need it to be fast so then they don't just walk away.

1)Several close-up shot on key characters have been used to show important characters in the film.
2)We also see establishing shots of various locations to see there are multiple worlds like the city and wild west.
3)To show that they are two important or main characters,hero's and there braver and strong characters.

1)It is used to explain who people are and who the main character is.Also who the main villain is.also tell us the story line
2)the it makes people excited and makes you want to carry on watching and shows its an action movie
3)it is used to make it sound more dramatic and more intense to link to the action

1)the length between cuts get faster and shorter.
2)this appeals to adults and parents witch makes them want to to there kid to see it.
3)they do this to make it seem more intense.

1)the various locations shown help to tell is a action adventure movie.
2)its very colourful which kids like so it will appeal to them.
3)we can tell who the good and the bad guys are or what type people they are

Wednesday 9th November 2022
Explain how The Lego Movie trailer uses TWO elements of media language to target different audiences.

One element used in The Lego Movie is editing.This is used to appeal to adults and parents because it could make them go watch it with there kid because it was described as 'The top treat for half term'.Another element in The Lego movie is Mise-on-scene. For example the colour palet is bright and colourful.This could appeal to kids because they like colours and things that are bright because it catches there attention.


Wednesday 9th November 2022

Video game
l/o:to explain how vertical integration benefits companies; to analyse using Uses & Gratification theory.

1)the developers are TT games, TT fusion,travellers tales.✅
2)Warner bros published the lego movie game ✅
3)7th February 2014 ✅
4)action adventure ✅
5)iOS Microsoft Windows Nintendo 3DS OS X PlayStation 3 PlayStation 4 PlayStation Vita Wii U Xbox 360 Xbox One ✅
6)The LEGO Movie Videogame features local drop in/drop out two player co-op so two players can team up to complete the levels. The game features multiple characters with their own unique abilities. ✅

2)harry potter and the half blood prince
5)assassin creed origins

Simultaneous Releases:
profit maximised
extends pleasure of the film
cross promotion

Uses and Gratification

1)personal identity apples to the video game because some people can relate to the characters.
2)information apples to the video game because it can relate to the film.
3)entertainment apples to the video game because it entertains people.
4)social interaction apples to the video game because you can talk to it.

In the trailer it says it can be entertained by the game. For example the kids having fun as a group playing the game.Also it says you can use social interaction. For example it can been seen as the kids talking as a group about the game.


Wednesday 16th November 2022

Poster Campaign

L/O:to explain the effectiveness of the campaign;to analyse the representations on the poster campaign.

man in a black suit
bat symbol on fire

The man looks dark and evil because of his suit and the damage around him.
The fire symbol could mean he is furious also could represent an action genre.
The building look like someone had destroyed them.
The smoke could mean a bomb has gone off.

The colour palette is colourful which stands out to children so they might want to get it and because the game logos could also be bright which could connot to real lego which is bright and colourful.It is rated a 7+ which means kids can play the game if they liked the movie.Also kids like lego so the game being lego might want them to have it because kids like games and lego so combining them might make it very popular so that means more money for warner bros.

You could tell who the good and evil characters are as the evil characters have serious faces as if there trying to take over and kill the main character/hero so seeing the villain trying to take over people might get the game to see the story line and what happens to characters.

The spanner in emmets hand could connot there is building in the game because people use spanner to help build things so this could suggest building because if people using them in real life might mean they do in the game.


Wednesday 23rd November 2022

In the LM poster there are many bright colours. Which might appeal to the youngest part of the target audience(kids). This is because kids like bright colours there attention because kids find colours interesting and fun which could up the watch rate with children and adults who take there kids.

It could also appeal to young adults (teens).There is a image of Wyldstyle who looks like a emo. This is because at the time the look 'emo' was very popular so putting a character that looks like and represents them it might make teens go watch the lego movie.

The poster could also appeal to adults (parents).This might be because of the tagline "the story of a nobody who saved everybody." This is could be because it is saying that anyone can be a hero even without superpowers.


Wednesday 30th November 2022


1) Use accurate spelling, punctuation and grammar.
2) Explain WHY certain elements of Media Language appeal to the TA.
3) Use the PEEL chain to structure your analysis.
4) Use CONNOTATION to explain the appeal.


L/O: to analyse the representation throughout The Lego Movie promotional campaign.

Wyldstyle representation:

1) She is looking either serious in the main poster and happy in the character poster and she is represented as brave and strong.In some ways she is stereotypical like the highlights in here hair.She is also anti-stereotypical as she isn't scared of the explosion in the background.

2)trailer and videogame trailer, Wyldstyle was fighting in the main trailer and was calm the whole time unlike emmet who was screaming which is anti-stereotypical. In the video game trailer she is still anti-stereotypical but at the start she did something stereotypical saying come with me is you don't want to die.


Wednesday 7th December 2022


1)Bob: he is man who is english and straight and has one arm.
2)Phoenix:is a man who is Scottish who is trans and is not disabled and is morbidly obese
3)eugene:is an pansexual and it is african american and is a man
4)Jessica:is a woman and is straight she's english and not disabled
5)Alex): is a woman and is straight and lives in a not very nice neighbour hood and has a knife with her at all times

Age is represented in The Lego Movie poster campaign by adding wrinkles to make characters like Vitruvius and Lord Business where you look at there face you can see wrinkles and the white long hair on Vitruvius this is representing that they are older characters. They also challenge stereotypes with Vitruvius by him not being the normal yellow lego character colour.

Wednesday 4th January 2023

Put it all together

L/O:to explore exam style questions and how to answer them effectively.

who regulates:
TV and radio- ofcom
advertising- ASA
Magazines and newspaper- IPSO
video games-GRA

Wednesday 18th January 2023


L/O:to review and reflect on the unit assessment and set personal target.

For question 6 i need to revise who regulates films for the movie or videogames in the uk and terminology definitions.

for question 7 i need to revise how the process of film making and difference between vertical and horizontal integration.

for question 8 i need to remember to read the question properly and the promotional campaign and the elements used within them.

for question 9 i need to analyse gender stereotype and how they challenge the stereotypes and also things about the trailer.

Question 9
The Lego Movie poster campaign represents gender by using stereotypes with Wyldstyle by putting makeup on her and how her hair is done.This is seen with Wyldstyle's hair as it is dyed and as it is it is been tided up this represents gender as they went of stereotypical information to help make her character.Also, they did this by having her were makeup as females are the one know to were makeup and beauty products.

The lego movie poster campaign represents gender by subverting stereotypes with emmet the so called hero at the start to be scared and panic all the time.Also, they go along with stereotypes by making him a construction worker which is mostly represented as a male dominated work place this helps with gender representation by making him a more man populated job but also challenges it by making him scared and worried all the time.

Monday 4th December 2023

film: BBFC
tv&radio: ofcom
magazine & newspaper:IPSO
video games:video standard council

The target audience is family.
1. Young kids who play with lego
2. Parents of those who used to play with lego
3. Young cinema goers(15-25)

Uses and Gratification:

P-personal identity- relate to a certain character or thing.
I-information- to find out more about an aspect within something.
E-entertainment- how much did they enjoy it.
S-social interaction- playing the game with friends or family and talking about it.


wildstyle has makeup and dyed hair enforcing stereotypes but also doesn't enforce stereotypes with a black tracksuit.
emmet works at a construction site enforcing stereotypes but is scared a lot not enforcing stereotypes.

video game:
P-getting to pick who you play as there are over 90 characters to match you.
I-more information about characters and new characters.
E-by playing the game since there is a lot going on with building, fighting and mini-gamemodes.
S-talk and play the game with friends and family via split-screen.

Lego Ad Break:

British heart foundation
BT broadband
Premier Inn
In-between each ad there is a character from the film


  1. Excellent notes Casey - you clearly understand the target audience, its appeal & the industry elements.

    Please change your font colour!

  2. THEORY & AUDIENCE: good notes

    MARKETING CAMPAIGN: clearly understood

    VIDEO GAME Q: good solid answer but I would expect slightly more detail in your response

    WWW: you identified three different elements and explained their appeal
    EBI: you used the terms CONNOTES/CONNOTATIONS

    WWW:you've correctly explained three elements and their appeal
    EBI: explain WHY parents would want their kids to watch a movie with that tagline


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