
 Monday 11th December 2023

What is news

L/O:To explore the history of the news industry and genres of newspaper.


1)audience, representation, media language, industry.✔

2)costume lighting actors/actions, hair and make-up, setting.✔

3) historical, political and social.✔

4)what is something✔

5)what is represented✔

Purpose of news:

  • to inform people about current events
  • to educate people what to do or how to do something
  • to persuade people to change how they acts in certain ways
  • to entertain


Old news was when people would talk directly to each other on news around them this was until the print and press was invented which made magazines for people to read to get there news.Then internet was invented so it is being spread everywhere form everyone though social media.

The peak of newspapers was before tv.There has been a decline of newspapers since then.

Class divide:



mid-market tabloid


  • The sun
  • The mirror
  • The daily star


  • the daily express


  • the times
  • the telegraph


Monday 8th January 2024

What is news? Ownership

L/O:To explore the nature and ownership of the news industry


1) educate, inform, profit, persuade and entertain

2) Though people sharing their news with others in conversation

3)the printing press

4)tv in 1950/60s

5)hard news formal language register, more copy less image

  • Tabloid:red box at the top, not much writing, more images, quite colourful, soft news- the sun, the mirror
  • Broadsheet:no red box, not many images, lots of writing, not that colourful hard news-the guardian, the times
  • hybrid:no red box, not much text, lots of images, not that colourful hard news-the daily telegraph
  • Media barons-the sun, news of the world, the sunday times, the advertiser
  • Trusts- The guardian, The observer
  • Cross-Media converged-The daily mail
  • Description
  • the main aim of newspapers is money.
  • the content of newspaper is whats popular.

1)this means that most of the news is biased based on someones views and opinions on a topic trying to convince people to change their views on something.

There are ethical and moral codes of press conduct but the printed press is self regulatory industry.

  • mail-39%-DMG
  • Sun, Times-28%-Lachlan Murdoch
  • Star, Express,Mirror-16%-Reach
  • Telegraph-5%-Telegraph Groups
  • Guardian-2%-guardian Media Group


Monday 15th January 2024

1)Scotts trust✅
2)Media Baron: Rupert Murdoch✅
3)Cross Media Conglomerate✅
4)Lord Rothermere✅
5)50%❌ 71%

How does media ownership contribute to new bias?
  • Commercial Advertising ties
  • Political opinion owner
  • Business interests of owners/friends
  • Profit-newspapers are not PSB- news is not non-friction it is stories designed to sell


  • Newspapers are seen as a gaining political and social influence.
  • The Guardian and Observer are owned by a trust.
  • Liberal values have meant support from the Guardian for both the labour party and the Liberal Democrats.
  • Guardian Media Groups brought the Observer in 1993.
  • editors insist owners never interferes with the content of the newspapers
  • Owners however will appoint the editors
  • British politicians have routinely met with Rupert Murdoch before elections presumably to seek his support

Political Bias UK national newspapers:

  • The guardian- left
  • The mirror-left
  • The independent-middle/centre
  • The times- right
  • The telegraph-right
  • The sun-right
  • The daily express-right
  • The daily mail-right

How do newspapers make money?

  • Circulations ( Sales)
  • Advertising
  • Paywalls & memberships
  • Events & other sales
  • Sponsored content


Monday 29th January 2024



  • Holds newspapers account 
  • Protect privacy


  • Press freedom to avoid bias
  • No control- so can investigate sensitive areas


L/O: to investigate the audience for The OBSERVER publication.

How to obtain newspaper:

  • buy it
  • social media 
  • online
  • websites
  • apps

  1. The Scott Trust
  2. left wing
  3. Self regulated
  4. sales, ads and online subscriptions
  5. so that everyone can see it

The average age range for someone reading the Observer is someone who is 35+.The observers gender split is normally 50-50 split between male and female.Most people who read the observer live in. Either London or the south.Most of the readers of the observer is middle class (ABC1 mainly AB)The observers political view is left wing.The audience have interests of arts and culture lovers and food and drink aficionados.

Convergence means to bring different media together(newspaper and website).This applies to the observer since they started as a newspaper only and now have multipul ways to access it like tough social media and websites so you can get the news in lots of different ways.The digital observer helps the observer appeal to a wider audience as more people will se it people are always on the internet and social media.


Monday 5th February 2023

Media Language

L/O: to investigate how print newspapers use media language to create meaning


Newspapers are funded though their websites with a paywalls on their online papers this is so they can still get funding from a non active audience online so that they can keep producing more papers in shops and online.Also, they are funded by selling their paper in shops this is so that people who are classed as a active audience can therefore go out to the shop to buy and read the newspaper compared to a subscription online.

Advantages and disadvantage of online newspaper:


  • easy to access
  • fit more online
  • Don't have to pay for it  online 
  • Dont need factory and factory workers for the company
  • more consistant
  • help the planet  


  • Have to have internet
  • publishers wont get paid though online newspapers

Ideologies: Liberalism, internationalism, patriarchy/ anti sexism, racism/ anti racism

Contexts: Politics-War, elections, Consumerism- buying things, Celebrity culture, multiculturalism, attitudes towards gender + sexuality.

Masthead: black serif font, it being called the observer could suggest that it goes into deep analysis about the topic the newspaper or section is on.

date line: to tell us when it was released so then we can think of the expectations of the newspaper

byline: to tell us who made the newspaper and get a understanding of them. which in this newspaper it 
has a mix of multiculturalism as it has men and women writers

headline: Large font to show importants and usually contains a hidden meaning but also in this case power and safety for the people.

subhead:Large serif font next to the main image with sophisticated language to show its for well educated people.


stand first:

copy: the copy/text used is there for a well educated audience since there is more writing then imagery and the text used is quite sophisticated.

main image: shows importantnce since they have put the minister of north Ireland on the cover to show sophistication and is more likely for a well educated audience

minor images:


skybox:Used to show what the magazine is on and what is contained within it so if the topics are interesting more people will want to buy it yet also uses the topics the audience likes/ finds interesting



Monday 19th February 2023 



  • easier to access if you dont have internet
  • would have a physical copy if you want to re-read it
  • publishers get paid
  • dont need technology to access


  • You need to buy a print newspaper compared where it sometimes free online
  • harder to access if you have internet
  • You have to go out and get it
  • fit less on a print newspaper

The Observer content:

Masthead: Big to draw attention, black on white, makes you think they go into good detail of the subjects, suggests ints non biased.

Navigation bar:shows you the multipul sections of the newspaper and allows you to fast travel to that section of it if your interested.

stand first: 


headline: creates a sence of emotion on the topic in this case empathy for Ukraine since they are giving a understanding on whats happening


main image: to create a sence of someone or something as in this case it makes the leader of Ukraine seem calm and unnerved about what is happening

minor image: to show something important but that isn't the most important thing currently happening since in this newspaper it has put working at home next to Ukraine help.

links: takes the reader to places of relevant content they want to read about.

pull quotes: used to intrest the audience with topics of celebrities they may know or follow

Political bias:

  • Left-wing politics describes the range of political ideologies that support and seek to achieve social equality and egalitarianism, often in opposition to social hierarchy as a whole or certain social hierarchies. (for the people) Observer is supporting a country in need of help

owned by Guardian Media group( GMG):

banner at top 'the guardian'-'newspaper of the year' promotes the link to GMG

Representations: people, cultures, places, race, gender sexuality, class:

focuses on different cultures ----> objective views by talking about a Italian town and Egypt

Monday 4th March 2024

1)Navigation Bar: A link to appropriate sections/ pages in a website
2)Banner: Heading or advertisement appearing on a web page in the form of a bar, column or box
3)Pull Quote: A quote from the text on the front of the magazine as a attention grabbing element
4)Standfirst: The first summary paragraph of text in a newspaper article
5)Masthead: The title of a newspaper

1)'Lawyers will urge divorce by consent'- Women have more rights,Social change(starting), move towards gender equality, patriarchal society( Because law council was staffed by men and women didn't have the same rights to divorce
2)'Wilson-Brown market clash'- Political news story, surrounding Europe + relationships with Britain(complex/negative relationship)
3)'So polite this North Sea Spy Game ','America accused of spy frame up'-Cold war(America, Soviet Union, Russia),(The Cold War was an ongoing political rivalry between the United States and the Soviet Union and their respective allies that developed after World War II.), fear of invasion, 'spy game' suggest its fun.
4)'Jackie: were very happy'-Patriarchal context in which women are most often define in terms of their relationship with men; here the dead US president's wife.
5)'Unions postpone strike'-Strikes in 1960's which showed a increase in social power, Barbra Castle(female politician only female of power shown) promoting a equal gender pay, Start of social CHANGE.
6)'Briton shoots a gold'-This article mentions Black Power protest at the Mexico Olympics, reflecting the anti-racist movements of the 1960s: Unselfconscious use of the term 'Negro', although thought positive it was still very negative.
7)'Stephen Pollock...with Elizabeth Vambe, 21, a Rhodesian-born'-Reflects the context of a white culture that sees what were known as 'mixed marriages' as so unusual to be newsworthy.

Vietnam: Physical war, death, movement to oppose government, social power(Confront and critise movement)
Human wave attack
Hope rise for case-fire in Vietnam

Monday 18th March 2024
Exam Format

L/O:To explore the exam format & content for the News Unit.

1) copy dominates the front page
2)the observer title
4)in a column to the very right hand side
5)the men dominate the content of news

Question 6:

Could be on: 
  • How The Observer is funded?
  • Owned by Scoot trust
  • Regulated by IPSO(or IMPRESS)
  • Globalisation
  • diversification
  • Convergence

b)broad sheet✓

question 7:

Could ask about: 
  • Online diversification- Advantages & Disadvantages
  • Use of social media
  • Newspaper funding- Print & online
  • Hard vs Soft news- Hard news = serious soft news = not serious

attracts an older audience- traditional way
no internet access

Print advantage:
Wider access to news- older people or those without internet

Online advantage:
Quicker ---> Instant news on the internet and can be updated 

7)Print newspapers survive despite the growth of online news as it attracts an older audience.This is because this is seen as a traditional way for them and they want to carry it on despite if there is a faster an simpler way to get it .Also if people don't have access to the internet. This is because they will have to go out and buy a newspaper in person since they cant access it online as internet if a requirement for it.

Question 8:

race & gender

An under represented social group of the observer is Race which here is represented as strong, powerful, serious and Brave as their is a stop racism act going on who are typically under represented since race isn't usually the main image on the news.We get this through the main image which shows them as strong, powerful, serious and Brave. since they are trying to change a serious problem. 

An under represented social group of the observer is Gender which here is represented as strong, powerful and confident as their is a female who are typically under represented as shaming the BBC which is a big company.We get the scence she is strong is Through the Lexis and the Headline and that she is powerful and confident from the image in the skybox an the top right side of it.

Question 9:

Theoretical framework

media Language

Genre = type(broadsheet or tabloid)

The media Language of the Observer reflects the conventions of a broadsheet newspaper.

Monday 25th March 2024
Guided practice question 9

L/O: To explore the exam format for Q9 for the News Unit and apply analysis skills and exam writing techniques.

1)Tabloid-Lots of images, not a lot of text(2 paragraphs), Red and white masthead
2)Not many images, lots of text(5+ paragraphs)



intro-Yes it is a broadsheet, copy, masthead, one image and headline.
P1-Masthead-Bold, serif, black and white,  capital and lower case.
     Serious news-Black and white, serif- traditional element, upper and lower case, formal element to           news

P2-Image- Mid shot, Press conference Staged photo opportunity, Rishi Sunak+ Americain politician
     Positive image- body language, shaking hands smiling
     Hard news-Politics- expected in the industry for a broadsheet
     Context-UK+US work together politically and have done throughout history since WW1+2, Face           and flags show union

The observer is a broadsheet newspaper as it has a high amount of text, a standard masthead, a single image and a serious headline.

The masthead is bold to show that it is there to stand out and to attract an audience to read it.It is in black and white and in a serif font to show seriousness since the serif font. shows a tradition element to the news as it also has upper and lower case letters witch shows a traditional and formal element to the news.Therefore it is clear that the observer uses media language to reflect the conventions of a broadsheet newspaper.

The image show that the observer is a broadsheet newspaper as the image shows hard political news. The image shows that it is on hard political news as it is a mid shot of Rishi Sunak and a americain politician shaking hand ands and smiling  of a mid shot staged photo at a press conference.This shows that the observer is a broadsheet as politics is hard news which is typically represented in broadsheet newspapers.It also uses context of the UK and the US as typically in the past especially during WW1 and 2 we see that the UK and the US work together in a aliance to help each other so this therefore could be a good thing as we can see though their faces and body language towards each other is positive and because they are showing the two flags together.This therefore show that the observer has conventions of a broadsheet newspaper.

In conclusion the observer reflects the conventions of a broadsheet newspaper as the elements of it relate to one of a broadsheet newspaper.


Monday 15th April 2024
PPE Exam Dirt

L/O: To reflect on the exam and identifying areas to improve.

1) media language, industry, audience, representation 
2)Cold war and Vietnam war, racism, patriarchy
3)War-Ukraine, accepting-sexuality, multicultural, globalised(news from around the world)

Q6: class

  • where they are located
  • they are platforms
  • no laws/central regulator
  • too complex
  • rapid sharing
  • data privacy

  • one main image is is commonly displayed in a broadsheet newspaper this is also conveyed as it doesn't take up much space either.
  • lots of copy in multiple columns is usually seen in broadsheet newspaper as they reference multipul stories that are relevant to the newspaper.



Q9: write an introduction and conclusion.
       Focus on representation
      Analyse images on the cover that show the Observer values
      Links to context
      More depth in analysis

The representation are typical of an Observer newspaper because of the main image. On the main image you can see there is Serena Williams and Andy Murray.This shows that it is represented as a typical Observer newspaper as it is multi-sexual as both a male and female are shown on it.It is also multi-cultural as we can see two different ethnicity's shown on the main image which then breaks stereotypes. Also as no one in the image is sexualised but seen as if they were just in a game of tennis.This therefor shows that it represents an observer magazine as it conveys multipul points that the observer uses.  

Q10: gender, race and poor print of copy(lots more) and images.

Monday 22nd April 2024
Exam Format Q9

L/O: To explore the exam format & content for the News unit.

1) the values and beliefs of the observer is the left side of the political party(centre left believe in change), progress, equality, supporting others
2) the conventions of a broadsheet newspaper are lots of copy(complex lexis),  1 image, Large black masthead(serif font).

Political Spectrum simplified KS3 and KS4 | Teaching Resources








It looks like a broadsheet...

Media Language:
colour palette,

gender roles,
celebrity culture, 
lifestyles-skybox(audience, representations)

Media language

The Observer cover reflects generic conventions of a broadsheet newspaper with the use of media language.An example of this is with the copy through the complex lexis.This clearly indicates that the Observer establishes itself as a broadsheet newspaper as the use of complex lexis is typically viewed and used in broadsheet which is typically seen for more sophisticated readers and people who understand more complex and challenging lexis. Furthermore the Observer establishes itself as a broadsheet newspaper because of the layout which contains 1 image and lots of copy.This furthermore shows that the observer follows the generic conventions of a broadsheet newspaper as it follows the typical layout. Which contains 1 main image typically on the right hand side of the cover and lots of copy which fills most of the page about some of the context inside the newspaper.Therefor in conclusion the observer does use media language to reflect the generic conventions of a broadsheet newspaper.


  1. 8/1/24- Great notes today, well done. Keep engaged in class discussions and answering questions.

  2. 5/2- Excellent response. 4/4- Target check terminology use.

  3. 22/4- Great judgements- T: Include contextual references in your response such as the use of multiculturalism in the image or serious news in the copy and use of lexis, reflecting the context of the Observer as a broadsheet newspaper.


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