
Monday 1st November 2021 


LO: To apply narrative theory to our own ideas



3)harry potter✔


5)polar express


7)life of pi

8)night at the museum✔

Todorov's narrative

equilibrium-normal life

Disruption-something happens that disturbs normal life

Recognition of disruption-people realise something bad has happened

Attempt to solve disruption-people try to save the world 

New equilibrium- they save the world and it goes back to normal 

Venom:Let there be carnage

Equilibrium- Venom and Eddie live a normal life

Disruption-Cletus Kasady bites Eddie and carnage is put in him


equilibrium-life is normal (real life)

disruption- multiple meteors hit earth

Recognition of disruption-4 friends come out of isolation to find all other humans dead

attempt of disruption-they rebuild shops and stuff to survive and create robots to help them

new equilibrium-life is normal again but with robots

S H I B U Y A | Cyberpunk city, City wallpaper, Neon wallpaperThe equilibrium

Election Day Asteroid: Is an Asteroid Really Hitting Earth Nov 2?The disruption

Four friends jumping on the beach Stock Photo by ©aragami12345 25177713The recognition of disruption

Construction industry warned lockdown could last six months | News |  Building DesignWhy an online platform for building ROBOTS can get really BIG (duh!) | by  Piotr Bakker | MediumThe attempt to solve disruption.

Robots are already making our lives easier in these three citiesNew equilibrium

Monday 15th November 2021

Lesson 4

LO: to explore the use of camerawork in films.

How to Shoot Close-Up Shots Like Sergio Leone
close up

Medium Wide Shot: Everything You Need to Know - NFI
mid shot 

8 types of shots every filmmaker must know: The art of getting the rights  shots for your film! - WWI Virtual Academy
medium close up

The Long Shot Film Technique, Explained (And 8 Examples in Movies) -  whatNerd

The Filmmaker's Handbook: What is an Aerial Shot? | Read | The Take

Establishing shot - Wikipedia

How to Frame a Low-Angle Shot Like a Master Cinematographer
low angle
High Angle Shot Definition and Usage with Excellent Examples
high angle
What is a Dutch Angle? Creative Examples of Camera Shots and Movement

4 Kinds of POV Shots and How to Use Them Creatively in Your Films
point of view
Camera Angles: Over The Shoulder or Single Shot?
over the sholder

What is an extreme close-up shot in a movie? - Quora extreme close up 

camera movement 

1) dolly
2) panning
3) panning

1)theres a close up when James bond is in his car       

 Monday 29 November 2021
Lesson 5 setting and colour 
LO: to explore the use of setting and colour in films.
an isolated house might be good for a horror film because its lonely and if you get attacked noone could help because its a rural setting
2]a big city might be good for an action film because there lots of people that might need help but it could also lead confusion for the helper because its really big
3]a small seaside might be good for a romantic comedy because small places are nice because the are less people to disturb you
4] a range of different countries would be good for action adventure movie because there is going to be different type of people and soundings.
5]a large modern science laboratory would be good for a science fiction film because they both link with each other.
1]Blue and red would be good for a new superhero because there are all ready linked with hero's all ready
2]A black suit for would be good for a villain because it will blend in with shadows which add's mystery.
3]Bright colours is good for a comedy film because bright colours are associated with with positivity.
1] the action is taken at dessert,space,museum,house garden,city,asgard,field,house,explosion field
2] its set in particular place because it shows whats happening at a serten time
3]the setting changes when a new scene is introduced because a importent thing is about to happen 
4]the setting effects the emotions and the behave because it makes them feel upset
5]you can tell where its tacken place because of the setting.
6]the story could if happened in a different but only serten scene for example the scene when everyone was disindergrating could of happened anywhere.
7]the story is tacken place in a city, countryside because of the technology.
8]you can tell that the story is set in the future because of the advanced technology

I am Legend
the gun on his back shows that the film is a action,adventure
28 Days Later
the red background show the film could be horror
Raiders of the lost ark
the type of yellow is like sand so a dessert adventure film.

i would have the hero in a white lab coat with explosion balls that makes the enemy go to sleep
i would put the villain in a black lab coat with a nuclear weapon that can wipe out all of humanity. they would both live in a laboratory but the hero would have an advanced one and the villain would have one a sewer. the lab would be in a science fiction because that what scientists work in also its set in the future you can tell because there are teleportation  devices and there are flying cars.

                                                                                                                                                                    Monday 13th December 2021                                                                                            

LO:To explore different styles of photography.

where computer 
who Dylan
props glasses

ground level
where computer
who is in shot no one
tacking shot Dylan
props 0

 what could be improved is the background

Giant and monsters
where macbook
where inside
in shot Oliver and Dylan
tacking shot Casey
prop background

looking up

where inside
who is in shot Oliver and Dylan
tacking shot Casey

where outside
who is in the shot Dylan
tacking the shot Oliver
props 0


www:the way we did the photos
ebi:we did the giant and monster one better
my favrioute shot is the ground level.

 Monday 10th January 2022
Sound in film
to explore the use of sound in film.

1)In horror film you would find creepy music, creaking doors and squeaky steps 
2)In an action film you would find loud fast music causing tension,cars and people
3)In a thriller film you would find fast and loud music,explosions and screams
4)In a comedy film you would find calm music,laughter and
5)In a science-fiction film you would find loud and slow music

Diegetic-sounds you would hear if you were in the scene e.g. someone speaking,footsteps,music on a radio

non-diegetic- sounds that only the audience can hear e.g. Narration,internal,dialogue and music

people talking
gun shots
glass smashing



every noise created could most likely be foley e.g. footsteps,capes in the wind and kissing

gun shots door,creaking,clicking,door shouting,talking,footsteps,dog barking,kick,tumble banging into cardboard, ball hiting the ground.

2)action full
3)where there are beat drop's
4)flying in a ship
7)yes the main character
9)yes gun shots

water being swished,a ship,mystery noises,footsteps smashing glass,bang's and crasses,speaking of humans' meat being cut,blood drips,music,crashing of all the equipment.

Monday 7th February 2022   


LO:To experiment with foley and  sound effects.

The setting and props show they are in a rich place for historical times.

The costume hair and make-up make the guy in the middle a prisoner.

Facial expressions and body language make the guards look serious and the pirate annoyed.

Lighting and colour is low key which shows it could be serious.

positioning of objects makes it look like a important scene is going on.

Creative Task

1)setting-  dissection table, tech materialsls, robots, chemicals, acids, something like Jarvis from ironman, protective room.

2)costume hair and make-up-white cloaks, hazard suit , green colours for the alien.

3)facial expressions- focused face

4)lighting and colour-it will have high key lighting to examen the alien.

5)position of objects- the men will be standing up whilst doing surgery on the alien.

clip 1

dialogue and breathing,music,crunch of toast, spoon hitting mug, toothbrush, milk being poured,toilet slushing,mirror,door,putting the remote down, milk going into fridge.

this did not work very well because there were not a lot of background noise so only a few that worked.One that worked well was footsteps.One that didn't work well was water dripping.

Monday 28th February 2022
l/o: to explore the disaster movie genre

Disaster Movies
world war z
 is a movie about World War Z is about a zombie crisis during which millions of people over the world and killed and entire nations are ravaged by hordes of attacking zombies.

Jurassic world
1)the main character is male 
2)In this film he helps his friends instead of family
3)The disaster in this film is the raptor chase
4)in this film the main character survived 
5)in this film the travel around in Gyro-sphere
6)all have something that threats human kind
1)the main character is male
2)in this film no-one helps anyone
3)the disaster in this film is a giant creature attacking earth
4)in this film no disasters become overcome
5)there was no involve travel
6)all have something that threats human kind





5)colour connotations

6)narrative suggestions

7)text element

8)other genres included

1)the main character is Jacob he works as a gamer and has his own pro team.

2)the disaster is a large egg falling from space destroying half of Nigeria and when it hatches i turns out there is a three headed dragon that can breath fire electric and ice. 

3)three other characters are his wife his child and his best friend

 4)characters that are going to die is the half of Nigeria that got crushed by the egg

5)in this film there is a running film but the dragon wont allow it so they have to stay and fight.

6) in this the main character inserts a massive volume of poison into the dragon when it was distracted

7) in the closing scene of this film is everyone helping each other rebuild what was destroyed 

Monday 14th March 2022


L/O:to effectively develop an idea for a disaster movie.

1)the day after tomorrow✅



4)❌war of the worlds



TRAILER 1: the 5th wave

1)the main character is a female trying to save her brother.
2)all over earth
3)humans train to beat mysterious creature
4)cars,guns,explosions and planes
5)bright at the stars and gets dimer
6)the waves are earthquake,infection, weird object in the sky,no power, among the humans 

TRAILER 2: greenland
1)main character is male trying to get his family to a bunker
3)someone shoots a plane
4)guns planes explosions
5)mostly red/orange
6)meteor shower 

TRAILER 3: impossible
1)main character is male trying to find his wife and son 
2)Hawaiian island 
3)search for family swept away by a tsunami
4)lost of rubble and stuff 
5)low key and to add suspence
6)tsunami hits a holiday island


1)the disaster is a egg comes from space and it hatches to a three headed dragon and attacks earth,the person who leads the characters is the a member of the army,it is set in new the end the hydra is killed by the main character by exploding it

2)this takes place in a city in Nigeria 2700 years ago. the houses are made out of straw,grass and mud this is what they do for jobs .they communicated by talking only.the weather is dark  and gloomy.

3)the mood of the film is very dark,sad and gloomy.this will show through costume because they will be in dark army uniform. it will  be show by setting because there will be lots of destruction.

4)The film should be shot in a open area so it doesn't disturb anyone  

Monday 28th March 2022

Narrative Theory

L/O:To effectively develop an idea for a disaster movie

1)they have a big disaster which is life threatening 
2)usually the main character is trying to save someone which in their family or friends 
3)usually the main character is male 
4)they fix or survive the disaster
5)a hero
6)in a city


equilibrium:every thing is like it is in real life.
disruption: a egg falls from space and hatches in hydra.

recognition:there has been a disruption in the main characters main city .

attempt to solve:the main character makes a video telling everyone to get weapons an help take down the hydra and they succeed but a quarter of people die.

new equilibrium: parts of earth destroyed and government is keeping an eye on space.


The Hero:the main character bob normal man in new York he goes to work and lives at home with his family
The Villain:scientist his best friend and a back stabber
The donor: head of military gives bob a nuclear weapon to defeat hydra as a back up plan.
The Helper:someone from the lowest rank of army called charlie
The Princess:bob's best friend who wants to help him but is a scientist so says dont kill the hydra tame or control him
The dispatcher:head of the army.
The Princess Father:the head of the whole military.
The false hero:the main characters best friend takes all the fame.

Monday 25th April 2022

script writing and storyboard

L/O:to effectively develop an idea for a disaster movie.

Bob is a man who lives with his wife and kids when suddenly bob gets deployed by the army into a battle against a hydra.the army has to use futuristic weapons as guns that take bullets don't work against the hydra because of its rough skin.

Visual story telling
1)"i'm hungry": you could hold your stomach 
2)"I've lost my cat":shake cat treats in your hand whilst walking around
3)"i'm so tired":rub your eyes and yawn
4)"I'm late for school":you could show everyone in lesson and then you at home.
5)"Im really annoyed at her":you could have them facing away from each other like they have just been in a argument.


bob and his family are having breakfast. Then suddenly theres a knock at the door.

army solider:(says friendly speaking to Bob)We need you to come help the planet against a hydra but first we will take you to a training camp to get use to the weapons your going to use.

Bobs wife sam enters

Bob:( he says normally to the solider)Ok sir ill pack my stuff right away so im ready when they need me

Sam:(she says normally to Bob)no you cant leave us what happens if you die.

Bob:(says kindly to sam) Don't worry ill be fine

A few hours later Bob leaves for deployment.

L/O:to explore how a film is made and the various industry role.

The big six

universal,Disney,warner bros,sony,20th century fox,paramount

film industry jobs





camera man

, stunt man


Grips are part of the Grip Department. The Key Grip hires and oversees the Best Boys, Dolly Grips, Hammers and Rigging crew for a production. They make sure sets and rigs are safely built and maintained, collaborate with the Gaffer on lighting and, after the 1st AD, ensure safety on set.First Company Grip. average salary is 59,000

ADR mixer

ADR Mixers correct dialogue and sound that was problematic in the original production. They remove background noise, re-record dialogue with lip-synching and clean up production audio.ADR Recordist. (This used to be a separate job, but is now under the remit of ADR Mixers.) average salary is 76,799


The Cinematographer works with the Director to achieve the overall visual aesthetic of a film, television show, music video, or other type of content.Director of Photography, DP. average salary is 65,000

They first think of an idea and pitch to the studio executive.

Then they see if the audience would watch it

Then get teams to get film them and edit and get the equipment

Then film it

Then it is watched a small audience

re shoot then filmed

pre production

Pre-production is an essential stage of any film project      


The production stage, also known as principal photography, is when shooting begins.

post production


is the stage after production when the filming is wrapped and the editing of the visual and audio materials begins.

Film distribution

poster,trailer,podcast,social media,websites,bill boards,adverts,actors talk about it,

Marketing: release poster,character sneak peek, release teaser,release movie, behind the scene and deleted scene

Exhibition: where the film can be seen.

Monday 23rd may 2022

l/o: to develop an effective film marketing strategy.

trailer,games,poster,newspaper,social media,teasers,character sneak peek

ready player one: 



digital marketing:book, adverts, trailers,game,actor, teasers 
posters and adverts

social media

1) i normally see film posters at a cinema,tv and billboards
2)a busy area were lots of people can see it.or a big place with people so everyone can see it
3)date of release,main image,title of film,actors

1.the font style is mostly a sans serif font
2.the colour palette have dark cold colours
3.the image is normally a picture of the disaster
4.the actors/directors are usually on the poster
5.the tagline are all about the disaster

the poster suggest its a disaster movie because of the giant crack in the ground.Also the dark colour palette could add fear to it as the dark scares people.

Monday13th june 2022
L/O:to create film marketing material.

Movie marketing:
.main image
.release date
.actor name
.director name

1) i used genre conventions by adding images and a credit block.
2)i used genre conventions good but didn't finish.
3)i am not pleased because i know i can do better.
4)i could i,prove by adding more like the title and the main image better.
5)i don't think there is anything i would like to learn in photoshop.

Monday 27th June 2022
L/O: to create an effective trailer.
 1)they use graphics for dates and producers 
2)this intensify the trailer like the date of realise and importment information.and tell some of the story
3)the most action based scenes
4)the sound is loud plane and music which makes it more intense,dialogue,diegetic  
5)there was a funeral and a war part which could mean a main characters dies and they fight opponents 











  1. 4/1/22- Excellent shots here. T: 4. think about lighting to get a better shot.

  2. 15/3- Great ideas on setting. T: 1. More detail in ending of your storyline:
    5. More detail on what is the message behind your film?

  3. 25/4- good start T: 4. Try adding stage directions to include how the dialogue is said.

  4. 27/6: Good start to your storyboard. T: Add more detail to your description, include what is happening, the shot type, the music or voice over, the diegetic sound.


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