What is news?

Monday 2nd March 2022

What is news?

LO:to explore the concept and for of news.

The main purpose of news is yo inform,educate,entertain,profit and persuade.

types of news

types of new is coronavirus,climate,world,business,politics,science,health,family and education,entertainment and art , uk,local,sport,weather,






LO: to explore the validity stories and their origins





Russia sinks half of Ukraine 

Earlier today it was reported that Russia's major boming has destroyed half of Ukraine.

Wednesday 9th March 2022
Young Reporter 

LO:To understand what news is and where to find it.

I think the key ingredients for a good news story are it needs to be updated on the subject and new.It needs facts and statements on the subject.  It should be accurate.also it needs to be interesting for all types of people. It needs to be straight to the point. It has impact.   








Posh Cornwall hotel looks very rude from the air



Cornwall is one of the UK's 'most dangerous' places to drive

This piece of news  tells us that cornwall can get way more dangerous then you could except. In this instance one car went off the road and then soon after another went on top of that car.This took place on the A39 Truro on Tuesday 15th of March 2022.There is also a graph to show the most dangerous places to drive in the uk. 

Wednesday 23rd March 2022

L/O: to explore how to structure a story to practice interview quiz.

Hello and welcome to cornwall Live new file just dropped we have found out at 11:15pm last night a fire broke out at Bodmin jail.6 people were rescued by fire fighters from the restaurant area, 2 people were taken to hospital,1 with serious burns.At 6:15 this morning the blaze went out which means it took seven hours to extinguish .police investigations suspect that the fire possibly started in the kitchen.

CLIP- PC Smith 

For now the investigation is still continues. Thats it from cornwall live we will report back when we know more.

this took 36seconds

Topic on news day: Ukraine aid efforts

Wednesday 30th March 2022

L/O:to write an effective news report; to practice interview questions

Wednesday 27th April 2022
News Day Evaluation
L/O: to evaluate and review our News Day project

1)what i worked on was writing the main story and saying it to the camera. 
2)the bit i most enjoyed the most was writing the story.
3)the bit i least enjoyed was being recorded.
4) the skills i learned and develop was how to write a report.
5)i learnt that there are many roles in the news like researchers, editors and anchors.
6)if i was to do it again i would do differently is to make it shorter.


  1. You did brilliantly Casey - a great job done throughout and a fab news story.


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