Media Language Analysis

James Bond's No Time to Die posters show off Rami Malek, Lashana Lynch |

 Wednesday 6th October 2021

LO: To analyse a media text using media language.

The camera shot is medium long shot or also know as a cowboy shot.I think they've chosen this shot type because if they did a different type of shot it would miss some details of him and the props he has.

Clothing:his clothing is different to normal as he is normally in a suit but in this film he isn't witch could suggest something different is going to happen.

Props:his props are a gun and watch witch could mean with the un he is going on a heist to  kill someone and knowing from other James bond films his watch could help him in someway.

Facial expression: his facial expression looks serious and concentrated.

Background:the background is gold witch could mean wealthy.

                                                                                                                             diegetic sounds

gun sounds this could suggest he is going to kill people.

explosions this could suggest builds are going to fall to the ground.

helicopter this could mean he will get chased down.

motobike engine could suggest another chase scene.

foot steps could suggest someone is trying to sneak up on someone.


The pace of the cuts towards the end they get faster and more tension to build up action.

the transition used is fade to black to show that time has past by and there going to a new scene.

2 New Posters for Venom: Let There Be Carnage, More Delays Possible

this film poster shows the main character venom and his enemy carnage.the camera shot type is a close up this is to show the characters facial expression and sharp teeth.The font stye is metallic and sharp which could suggest its a action movie.The background is really dark which could suggest a bit of horror. 

Wednesday 13th October 2021

setting :

day light, clear sky, sunny, junes

location : 



weapons, helicopters, spaceships,sand death worm

 In the dune trailer,mise-on-scene is used effectively show locations.For example, in the scene when there fighting in the dessert in that scene the director is using mise-on-scene. This gives the impression of  action type film and makes the audience think its a action and fantasy film.


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